Why cards grab attention more than email

22 05 2008

I’ve said before that sending a greeting card in the mail to someone will grab their attention in a way that email just can’t.  Let’s look at a couple of reasons for that.

1) Frequency

We all gets lots of emails every day.  In fact we get so many emails that it’s easy to lose important ones in the flood of unimportant or uninteresting ones.

Except at Christmas time, most people just don’t get greeting cards in the mail very often.  The vast majority of things that arrive in the mail are either bills or flyers so when something different arrives, it’s immediately interesting.

2) Kinesthetics

Greeting cards are a physical thing that can be touched and picked up.  Psychology tells us that that the more modalities we can hit with our message, the more effective it will be.  An email is purely visual while the card is both visual and kinesthetic (touch).

Because they are physical objects, cards are more likely to be put in a place where the recipient can see or touch them more frequently.  It’s rare that someone will go back and re-read an email over and over.  It’s even rarer that someone will print out an email and put it in a visible location.  It’s quite common, however, for someone to put a greeting card on their desk or up on the fridge or in some other visible place.